“You have a lovely cervix”

We went for a check-up this morning.

We had an ultrasound to check the amniotic fluid – everything was good.  I am also now 2 cm. dilated.  Wow – 8 more to go.  Here is the most lovely thing to know – they also scraped my membranes to see if that will bring on labor.  Hopefully it will.

After my mid-wife checked me she gave me the most unusual compliment that I think anyone could ever get.  “You have a lovely cervix.”  Well thank you very much.  I’m glad that all those cervical workouts have done justice for my cervix.   I was just speechless after her comment.  I think Tim was ready to roll on the ground laughing.

I go back Friday for another ultrasound, a non-stress test and another check-up.

After our appointment we went out for breakfast.  It was very yummy.

I’m looking forward to being able to sit down and watch some Price is Right.  I haven’t seen that show in ages – I can’t wait!  Yes, I took Delton to school today.  Why, shouldn’t I have some time to relax before I become a walking zombie?

2 thoughts on ““You have a lovely cervix”

  1. Well, I can’t say that I have ever had that comment made to me – how luck for you! 🙂 Glad to hear that everything is going well. Good luck on Friday and maybe something will happen before then. Don’t sweat it about Delton going to school today – Ashlyn will be going at least partial days a few times a week after I have the baby. It keeps the routine for them and gives us a chance to rejoin the human race. Besides, you should rest up now because you will need that energy when the baby decides it is time. (How appropriate that even from the beginning, these little ones “rule” the roost)

  2. Well I guess that wasn’t exactly the news you were looking for. I am hoping that when I go for my ultrasound on Thursday, they decide to induce me. Actually, I am hoping I don’t make it to that appointment and I go into labor before then. Wishful thinking! Well hopefully you won’t make it to Friday either. Keep us posted!

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